Bishop Jaime Soto and parishioners welcome Pastor Antonio and Fr Branden to the St John Vianney Community
Sacramento March for Life
Knights escort participants during the March for Life
Knights escort participants during the March for Life
Easter Breakfast, a good time was had by all!!!
Happy Easter
Rancho Knights walked & escorted the Blessed Sacrament from St Francis Church to the Sacramento Cathedral. This was part of the Eucharistic Congress sponsored by the Diocese of Sacramento
Silver Rose makes a stop at St. John Vianney
Transporation provided by the Knights on Bikes
Photos by Pat Vasconcellos
Transporation provided by the Knights on Bikes
Photos by Pat Vasconcellos
Walk for Life - Sacramento
Heart of a Priest - Relic of St. John Vianney - Knights on Bikes provided security and crowd management.
Feast of St San Juan Lorenzo
Walk for Life - San Francisco
Knights working behind the scenes to make the Confirmation a special occasion for the confirmed and Bishop Soto